Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Whats the point?

Whats the point?

James Orr - Theologian
Theology, it's a scary word right?  We hear it and tune out everything that comes next because it is probably above our heads and it most likely wont effect our lives anyway.  Theology, let's just leave it to guys that look like this. →

What if i told you that  theology is not scary, it does not have to be above your head, and most importantly, it will effect your life.  When put plainly, theology is simply the study of God, that doesn't  sound so scary now does it?

Not what God looks like
(John 4:24)
If you continue reading this blog you will learn how theology effects us "down here", those of us who are not super brains, those of us who want practical biblical teaching, those of us who desire to know God but are afraid of words like "anthropomorphism" (attributing human characteristics to God).

If you are looking for a place to learn about God without the teacher making you feel dumber, a place where the teacher uses words like dumber, then go ahead and bookmark this page now.  Some posts may be text only, some may include video or audio clips, but rest assured that however the information is conveyed it will effect you, and you will be able to understand it.

Dear Lord,
Use this ministry as You see fit, use it to glorify yourself.
May the authors and readers have supernatural understanding given by You,
help us to grow in our knowledge, understanding, and love of you.  

 Give us the boldness to proclaim Your truths into the darkness;
the darkness of our communities, our social circles, and the internet.
Give us opportunities to be ambassadors for the Kingdom,
laying aside our own selfish desires so that we may pick up our crosses
and follow You alone.

We love you Lord,


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